ICAPS 2023 Doctoral Consortium
The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is intended to give Ph.D. students the opportunity to closely interact with established researchers and get feedback on their research, provide advice on career possibilities and build a professional network, improving the cohesion of new researchers with the ICAPS community.
The DC is open to all doctoral student attendees of the conference and will take place on July 8th (the day before ICAPS workshops and tutorials). Registering for the Doctoral Consortium will be part of the registration process for the conference and all students are invited to take part in it.
The Doctoral Consortium is scheduled on Saturday, July 8 from 9:00 PM to 18:00 PM (CET) - Malá Strana Campus, Room S9
[9:00 PM - 10:00 PM] - Welcome and Invited Talk by Erez Karpas
[10:00 PM - 10:30 PM] Coffee Break
[10:30 PM - 12:15 PM] - First Session (5+2 mins for questions each)
- Devin Thomas Domain Specific Situation Planning
- Ashwin Kumar Algorithmic Fairness for Temporal Resource Allocation Problems
- Merlijn Krale Formal Guarantees for Complex Decision-Making Processes
- Luigi Bonassi Effective Approaches for Handling Temporal Constraints in Automated Planning problems
- Paul Höft Learning Dynamic Algorithms for Automatic Planning
- Mauricio Salerno Eliminating Redundant Actions from Plans
- Renato Acampora Timeline-Based Planning: Extension to Distributed Systems and Refinement Using Symbolic Techniques
- Yash Shukla Towards Cross-Domain Knowledge Transfer for Robotics
- Mattia Chiari A Deep Learning Approach to Goal Recognition
- Matteo Cardellini Automated Planning and Scheduling for Industry 4.0
- Grigorios Mouratidis Variations and Generalizations of Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) with Optimal Task Assignments
- Sarah Carmesin Robot Coverage Problems in Dynamic Environments
- Stylianos Loukas Vasileiou Towards a Logical Account for Human-Aware Explanation Generation in Model Reconciliation Problems
[12:15 PM - 13:45 PM] Lunch
[13:45 PM - 14:45 PM] - Presentations (5+2 mins for questions each)
- Argaman Mordoch Learning Planning Action Models to Complete Gaming Tasks
- Chenyuan Zhang Incorporating Timing Information in Planning Algorithms for Human Problem Solving
- Ryo Kuroiwa Domain-Independent Dynamic Programming
- Stephen Wissow Searching with Distributional Heuristics
- Ida Gjergji Optimization Methods for Facility Location in Reverse Logistics
- Issa K. Hanou Towards Neuro-Symbolic Rail Planning
[14:45 PM - 15:00 PM] - Wrap up and closing remarks
[15:00 PM - 15:30 PM] - Coffee Break
[15:00 PM - 17:00 PM] - Posters with mentors
Invited Talk

Erez Karpas
Looking for Serendipity – Where (Some) Research Questions Come From?
Serendipity is an unplanned fortunate discovery. In this talk, I will describe how I have stumbled on some very interesting research questions by paying attention to small details. I will then try to give some general advice on how to look for interesting research questions in your own work.
Short Bio
Erez Karpas is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences (formerly known as Industrial Engineering and Management) at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Prior to that he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Model-based Embedded and Robotic Systems group at MIT, and before that we completed his PhD at the Technion (2012), and his M.Sc. (2005) and B.Sc. (2001) at Ben Gurion University. His main research interest is in automated planning and robotics.
Mentoring Program
As part of the Doctoral Consortium, ICAPS will offer a Mentoring Program. The Mentoring Program is designed to provide Ph.D. students with an opportunity for in-depth advice by senior members of the field regarding careers and research skills. Each student accepted to the program will be matched with an established researcher in the field who will provide research and career management advice at the Doctoral Consortium day.
We encourage current doctoral students (students whose Ph.D. is in progress) to apply for the Mentoring Program. Students do not need to be accepted into the Mentoring Program to attend and participate in the Doctoral Consortium.
(Listed alphabetically by last name)
- Christopher Beck
- Riccardo De Benedictis
- Minh Do
- Jeremy Frank
- Nicola Gigante
- Malte Helmert
- Michael Katz
- Masoumeh Iran Mansouri
- Andrea Micheli
- Christian Muise
- Ron Petrick
- David Smith
- Shirin Sohrabi
- Alessandro Umbrico
- Neil Yorke-Smith
For any questions or problems, please contact the DC chairs:
- Gabriella Cortellessa: gabriella.cortellessa@istc.cnr.it
- Enrico Scala: enrico.scala@unibs.it
Important Dates for the Mentoring Program
- Submission deadline:
March 30th, 2023 - Notification deadline:
April 30th, 2023 - DC Presentations: July 8th, 2023